Wangze Xu (许王泽)

M.S. Candidate @ PKU

Email: xuwangze (at)

Hello 👋 ! I am Wangze Xu, a third-year M.S. student at Peking University, supervised by Prof. Ronggang Wang. I received my B. Eng. degree with honors at Sichuan University in 2022. My research focuses on 3D vision, including general scene reconstruction and 3D human modeling. Previously, I was dedicated to improving the performance of NeRF/3DGS from sparse input views.


Jul 04, 2024 Two papers are accepted to ECCV 2024! :sparkles:
Dec 14, 2023 One paper is accepted to ICASSP 2024! :sparkles:

Selected Publications

  1. ECCV2024
    MVPGS: Excavating Multi-view Priors for Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Input Views
    Wangze Xu, Huachen Gao, Shihe Shen, Rui PengJianbo Jiao, and Ronggang Wang
    The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2024
  2. ECCV2024
    Disentangled Generation and Aggregation for Robust Radiance Fields
    Shihe Shen*, Huachen Gao*Wangze XuRui Peng, Luyang Tang, Kaiqiang Xiong, Jianbo Jiao, and Ronggang Wang
    The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2024
  3. ICASSP2024
    HDPNeRF: Hybrid Depth Priors for Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Input Views
    Wangze Xu , Qi Wang, Xinghao Pan, and Ronggang Wang
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2024